Expect Miracles!
In the aftermath of the recent election, it is vitally important to hold a positive outlook for your life and the future of the U.S. and the world. Many people are feeling angry, depressed and outright hatred. There is no need to despair! Remember, we are powerful creators, so be mindful how you direct your energy. Our energy determines our reality. When we hold sadness, despair and negative energy in our mind and hearts, we will attract more of that to us.
When we elevate our frequency and hold the highest vision of peace, prosperity and harmony in our mind and radiate it from our heart, we are adding positive energy to the collective as well as staying in alignment internally. Each one of us must shift into that higher state and anchor the light of our soul – the unconditional love of the Self onto the earth. Remember who you are!
We are moving into a new Age – the Age of Enlightenment, or Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth or Essence. On November 19th, Pluto enters Aquarius and this brings a dramatic shift for us. Expect miracles! Look past the illusion of the media programming and feel into the rebirth that is taking place on the earth at this time. The Grand Shift is here. These are truly amazing times!
December 12, 2024 will give us the opportunity to shift into a higher timeline. There will be a large plasma wave – a coronal mass ejection of light arriving on earth to spark a mass awakening. Sounds like something out of a Sci-fi movie! Truth is stranger than fiction. The solar flares that have been occurring over the past years have helped shift humanity into a higher state of consciousness incrementally and this trend will continue.
For those that have been doing the inner work of clearing, healing and integration, the December 12 / 12 portal marks a truly great opportunity to receive a powerful elevation from the Universe. The 12 / 12 date is significant because December 12, 2012 marked the end of the Mayan calendar and the old world. That’s when we began the purification process of excavating the darkness from within our individual selves, in the world systems and in the collective to heal it and transform it. It has been an intense and difficult process. Now we are ready to shift to the next phase. This will happen at different times for everyone depending on where you are in the process.
For those who haven’t shifted yet, a greater opportunity to transform over the coming months and years will present itself. Remember, all of it is for you. Transformation takes place in the darkness, so struggle, challenges and ongoing opposition is the medicine that creates growth. It’s spiritual boot camp.
As a Master Energy Healer, Channel and Teacher, I have the knowledge that our light body is being upgraded. I feel it is my duty to educate people as to the significance of this process. We are building new higher frequency light bodies so that we can anchor the light of heaven on the earth through our human vehicle. We are now in the new earth and we are becoming new earth humans.
New earth humans are embodying our soul self. Our soul is a BIG energy, so only a fraction of the soul comes into the body, that fraction is known as a spark of the Divine. The remainder of our soul energy exists on a higher dimension. It has been this way for thousands of years. Now it’s changing. For us to embody and hold a larger portion of our soul, we must raise our frequency within the density of the physical body on the earth plane. This requires us to purify and recalibrate the body and energy field. When we clear out the dense repressed emotions and wounds from the past, and integrate our shadow, we allow our energy field to upgrade. The earth has already raised her frequency to the 5th dimension, and we are matching Her.
It’s imperative for us to change form and become our soul self so that the higher consciousness of the soul creates a new reality on earth – the Age of Enlightenment. See how it’s all connected? As a new earth human, many will live as enlightened masters. We will lead through our Divinity. The ego self will know its rightful place as the servant of the Divine Self. This is the way and God will see that it plays out – As above, so below.
This is the Ascension path, this is the trajectory and everything that is happening on the world stage now is part of that path. Trust it. Let go of what you think you know and allow yourself to be shown the truth. If you are here at this time, you are a part of this amazing shift! That in itself is a miracle! Each one of us is tasked with climbing our mountain to reach the top. It is a huge challenge but we are walking miracles, so we can do anything we put our mind to when we tap into the divinity within. We are never alone, all of Heaven is accompanying us on our journey.