Becoming Your True Self Course – Create a life you love by healing the subconscious self.
Do you feel that something is missing from your life? Do you want to live a life you love? Are you ready to step out of a life of pain, insecurity, self-doubt and struggle and into a brighter world full of confidence, aligned with your purpose and creating your life from your sacred heart? If the answer is yes, I am honored to accompany you on this sacred passage!

“Just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she began to fly.”
There is something happening on earth right now, can you feel it? We are moving into the Age of Truth, (Satya Yuga), the Age of Enlightenment. Mother earth and all living beings on her are ascending. We are upgrading ourselves. We are here to create Heaven on Earth. This is an amazing time to be here!
Humanity is experiencing an initiation. This is a time when each one of us are being tested and brought through the fire of purification. Each one of our Souls is taking us through this process which can often be confusing, scary and at times you may feel lost.
This is where I come in; I offer my services to guide you through this process of deep transformation. This 12 month process will set you on the path to dissolve the blocks that are keeping you from knowing who you truly are and step into your Divine Empowerment!! You are a Divine Being, an eternal, sacred Soul! You are Powerful! We work together one-on-one in person or over the phone for a series of sessions.
First we discover what it is your soul truly desires. We will uncover the blocks that are holding you back by addressing your unhealed pain that your inner child and your shadow self carry. By healing, loving and integrating all aspects of ourselves, we become whole. Often times, we don’t want to face the pain from our past, so we bury it deep down. Repressing old feelings creates blocks within our body. These feelings can be excavated, processed and released to free up that stuck energy. You will feel lighter and free from the weight of the past.
We will address the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in your old patterns and re-program them into empowering beliefs through exercises and audio hypno-meditations.
With energy healing and a daily spiritual practice, we will create an energetic flow that will move you to the next level of your life where you can manifest your vision. Imagine how good it will feel to be free from the pain of your past! Your True Self is loving, secure, happy, wise, prosperous and powerful!
I am the guide who lights your path along the way, encouraging, and supporting you with a loving voice, showing you what you can’t see about yourself. I offer a combination of energy healing, spiritual and practical guidance, guided meditations, journaling, and deep self-inquiry for the process of inner growth and outer transformation. What you learn in this course will help you develop your own practices to overcome the internal obstacles going forward.
When we are stuck in our past and old patterns repeat over and over, we experience lack and limitations that cause deep frustration and helplessness. To move out of this space of lack and into your truth, you must first accept and love all of yourself, exactly as you are right now. By doing this, we stop resisting what is and we surrender into the present moment and embody our truth. This energetic state of SURRENDER is where it all begins.
We are in partnership with the Divine Universe who loves us and wants us to succeed! Remember who you are. You are always connected to the light within.
Your Soul is overseeing your development and is working with you at all times to harmonize you with your Higher Self. Once you are in alignment with the Creator as your true Self, you will experience expansion and flow. When we align with our destiny, we are living our life from our heart with purpose, radiating our truth and experiencing deep fulfillment and meaning in our everyday life. We know who we are and we no longer seek attention or acknowledgement from outside of ourselves.
Your Guide and Mentor, Elizabeth Wright
Who I AM – I created this program at my Soul’s prompting because I have lived it. Following an 12 year initiation and karma clearing crisis where I lost everything, I descended into the underworld where I shed the skin of my old self and journeyed back up to the light to my Higher Self. I am a certified Energy Healer, certified Yoga Teacher, certified Consulting Hypnotist, Mentor, Motivational Speaker and Author. My Higher Self has been counseling people through me for 18 years. I have an extensive tool box with practices and higher perspectives to share with you. My entire life has been dedicated to becoming my True Self.
“Once you make a decision, the entire Universe conspires to support you.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
What do you receive? This course includes 24 or more one-on-one sessions including 1 hour coaching sessions on Zoom and 80 minute energy healing sessions over the phone or in person. The energetic container we are working in is 12 months, during which you will receive wisdom videos, guided meditations as well as worksheets, guidance, coaching and healing sessions, support and encouragement to birth your new Self!
The 12 month container will cover the necessary steps of transformation to prepare yourself for the earth light activation. Be aware that you will always be working on yourself and evolving.
Once you embody your multi-dimensional Self, a new world emerges and a higher path unfolds, leading you to your destiny and your true purpose.
“Beth at Spirit Works is so amazing! I enrolled in her You Are a Powerful Creator course and so far it has been amazing! Beth is so honest, intuitive and caring.
She has helped me uncover and clear so many blocks I had that were holding my true self back from living to my fullest potential. After one of our sessions helping me heal and clear my throat chakra I felt so open and able to use my voice and not be scared to speak my truth and it has felt so clear ever since. I am so excited to see what the rest of our sessions together bring. Thank you Beth it has been such a blessing working with you.” Caitlin Olausen
Course Cost – The cost of the course is $6600. Or it can be split into 2 payments of $3400 within 3 months of registering.
When you TRULY INVEST in yourself and receive the support and encouragement you need, it is all worth it, because YOU are worth it. What is more important that YOU becoming your Best, most empowered Self?
Please call me, Elizabeth Wright on 315-352-3352 to register for this program. Or email me at I look forward to working with you!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~ Marianne Williamson