Online Energy Healing Training


In ancient Egypt, the healers channeled light and color through their hands for healing. This modality teaches you how to channel colors into the chakra system to open them for healing and transformation.

This course can change your life for the better - by linking you with your Higher Self. We connect with our Higher Self and Team of Light and allow them to guide us in our healing practice. We become conduits for healing light to flow through us.

Channeling energy raises our vibration which changes our DNA and RNA, builds our light body and aligns us with the truth of who we are. When we learn to communicate with our soul and the beings of light in the higher realms, we open ourselves up to our higher path of service.

In this course you will learn:

  • About our chakras and subtle body layers
  • How to use a pendulum to assess the health of the chakras
  • How to channel color and light through your hands to balance chakras
  • Which colors to use for healing
  • How to set up a sacred space
  • How to protect your field
  • How to cut cords connecting you to others to stop energy leaks
  • How to do a long distance healing
  • How to rebalance your own energy field to build your light body
  • How to work with the Beings of Light and your team to heal
  • How to work with crystals and oils
As you practice energy healing on others, you are also healing yourself and raising your vibration. It's a win-win!
I've been practicing Energy Healing for 20 years and teaching for 12 years.