The Enlightened Individual
As spirits in a human body we are living each life here on Earth school to learn, to love, to evolve and bring ourselves ever closer to Source, to God, to the Creator. Everyone’s path is different depending on the stage of development of their Spirit, the lessons they need to learn and what they…
Read MoreUnconditional Love of the Self
I have had the immense pleasure of being able to provide the gift of Light through vibrational healing sessions and spiritual counsel that comes through me from my Higher Self and the beings of Light whom I connect with going on 8 years now… There are many themes within the sessions that apply to our…
Read MoreThe (very long) Road to Self Mastery
I went on a hike with a new friend and for the entire three hours we discussed how we feel we have grown so much in the past couple of years and how it has been the struggle and difficulties that are our greatest teachers. We concluded that it is these teachers that are showing…
Read MoreBe In Your Center
The rollercoaster ride continues…as we embark on our new journey into the unknown world, like Christopher Columbus, with new eyes, discovering new lands and learning how to adjust to the ever changing landscape. This is life on earth in 2014. As the energies of the planet continue to grow and shift, you may feel like one…
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