Cultivating Your Inner World
In this time of major change on the planet, it’s important to take time to cultivate your inner world. Your inner world is the foundation from where you create your life, it is connected to your soul and spirit’s deepest desires and purpose. Although it is not tangible, your inner world exists only inside of your Self, it encompasses all of your dreams and creative longings, all of the experiences you wish to have and it is connected to everything in the Universe, it is pure consciousness. It is the place where you find your equilibrium, where you are centered and grounded within your True Self. It is your place of power, your connection to Source and where you can manage your energy and the vibration and frequency which you are sending out to the Universe. This is how we create, with our thoughts, visions, words and actions. When we tend to our inner world, we feel fulfilled and whole, the natural feeling that bubbles up from this well spring is joy and contentment. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. Spend time building your inner world and your outer world will flourish, like a garden that you tend to, sweetly nourishing the bulbs and seedlings day after day which become luscious, rich and beautiful flowers.
In this society through the media we are taught to consume, we are taught to find our pleasure from external sources. Most people find temporary pleasure through the five senses; eating, drinking, smoking, shopping, sex or you name it, what brings you pleasure? To do any of these things is normal, everyone eats and has sex and buys things, it’s when these activities become addictions that are controlling our behavior that it becomes a problem. It is only when we seek out pleasure from these external sources alone that we will suffer. Addictions are false pleasures, and they do not add meaning to our lives, most of these addictions end up taking our power from us. True and lasting pleasure comes from working on oneself. Whether it is cultivating your craft, learning a new skill, embarking on a new course of study, improving your physical body through training or practices, meditating, writing, journaling, reading, spending time in nature, or creating art or music. When we spend our energy in this way, we see results in our lives that are meaningful and fill us up from the inside. The same can be said for the work we do with our children, spending hours of time with them to help them learn and grow. We can apply this to any relationship we have where we invest our hearts, time and energy that produces a truly intimate connection to another human being or pet where we are sharing our selves and our love. We can feel the difference between what is truly meaningful in our lives and that which is false pleasure. We may embark on the false pleasure anyway, most everyone has an addiction big or small, but do not be fooled by it, be aware of its true nature.
There is a difference between the people who create from their inner world and those who merely consume from the external world to fill themselves up. There are many people who don’t know how to connect to the beautiful light of their spirit inside of them. Without the connection to Spirit, life has no meaning. In a meaningless life, a person is just going through the motions, there is no connection, just a void. People will consume to try and fill that void. But it is in the beautiful center of your heart that you will find the joy and happiness you seek. Everything from the outside carries meaning only when it touches your heart. External consumption can only fill you temporarily, it will leave you feeling strangely empty and disconnected. To feel connected you must spend time and build from inside of your Self.
The conscious mind with its never ending stream of thoughts overrides our inner world of consciousness. For the conscious mind, the outside world tends to occupy our attention and does not let us venture inward and experience our consciousness. It is only when the mind becomes quiet and silent that we become aware of this consciousness, this inner world. We have to carve time out to connect to that place of pure consciousness. We can do it in dreamtime, when our conscious mind disconnects and our Higher mind takes over. And we can do it in meditation, which is a beautiful vehicle for navigating our inner world. In the stillness of meditation, we quiet the conscious mind and connect with our Higher mind and Higher Self. This is the place where we can connect to our inner power, our connection to God Source. This is where we can come every day to change our vibration and energy. When our energy is aligned with God Source, we feel powerful, happy, free, mentally strong, confident, we have a positive attitude and we are setting our self up for success in our outer world.
We can all learn how to master our own energy. Let me show you how to change your energy with this visualization exercise… Think of the ideal life that you would like to create, if you like, take out a piece of paper and write down your answers to create your vision… Now take three deep breaths, and take your awareness into your heart center, right in the center of your chest. Imagine or visualize a beautiful bright light flickering there and with every breath, the light grows bigger. Keep breathing until you feel your whole body relax. Now see the light radiating out in all directions and affirm that you are connected to your Spirit. I want you to imagine your ideal life exactly as you would like it to be, it may be how you are right now if you are happy, or it may be a different version of your life. Some aspects may remain the same and some may be different. Whatever your ideal life means to you, just take a few moments to visualize the perfect existence for you. Notice who you are with, what you are doing for work, and play, where you live and with whom? What are your favorite ways to spend your time and energy? How much money do you have? What do you look like in your body and appearance, what is your state of health? How do you feel? Now that you have done this, imagine what that feels like in your body, feel the actual emotions of being in love, fulfilled, abundant, accomplished, engaged, peaceful and connected and whatever else you have dreamed up for yourself. Feel all of these feelings as very real and very powerful. Keep the breath flowing in your body. See your ideal life and bless it from your heart, feel it as already existing. Create the highest and best for yourself, without limitations. Good. Now how does your energy feel? Does it feel different than before you started the exercise? If the answer if no, then spend more time breathing, connecting and making your vision real within you. If the answer is yes, then you can see how the thoughts and visions you have created have affected your energy. What you think controls your energy. If you think negative thoughts, your vibration will be low. Once you think positively, you will feel your frequency rise. The key is to keep your vibration high on a consistent basis. This is one way you can change your energy to raise your vibration and build your inner world. By spending active time engaging in visualization to create the life you truly want to live, you are owning your power and taking charge of the direction you want to move your life in. This takes time, energy and a commitment to practice, but is well worth the effort.
Your inner world is also the place where you can come to gain insight about yourself and how you operate in the world, uncover your true feelings, meet your shadow self, connect with your inner child. It is the place where you can learn to forgive yourself and others. Where you can learn to let go of the past and choose to grow into your new self. The more awareness you have about who you are, why you behave in the way you do, what motivates you, what inspires you, the more control you will have over how you shape your life going forward. And ultimately, the more you connect with your Higher Self and merge with the oneness and love of your Divinity, you will surrender to your True Self, and peace will be known.
The inner plane is where you can balance your chakras by bringing in light to these energy centers, to cleanse and rebalance them. In this place you can connect with your Guides, Angels and teachers from the celestial realms to help you with whatever it is you wish to understand at a deeper level and to transform within yourself. There is so much to be discovered in this Universe inside of You. And it’s free. You don’t need to buy a ticket!
The joy is always in the work, do the work and you come to know true pleasure. Journey inward, and come to know the True Self. Let your True Self build your sacred and beautiful life from the inside out.