Becoming Love

Happy Holy days! Wow, what a year! This year has been all about transformation. No one on this planet can escape the change that is here for us. This is the time of rebirth…. can I get an Amen?! In the coming years I envision how we will be creating balance and rebirthing ourselves and…

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Navigating the Stormy Seas

I don’t know about you but these past couple of months have been super duper challenging. Some days are easier than others but let’s face it, it’s never going to be easy to watch everything fall apart and experience worldwide suffering. There is so much confusion and uncertainty that it has become an intense pressure…

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Connect to Source & The Earth

How are you doing? Are you taking the time to connect into yourself and to your Higher Self through your breath and meditation? Are you taking excellent care of your body? Are you getting enough rest? Are you loving yourself? All of yourself? Are you practicing patience and compassion with yourself and checking in to…

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Everything is in Divine Order

This time of upheaval and uncertainty is causing a lot of stress for many. There is so much loss and rapid change, which can be very disorienting for some. We have had 2 recent eclipses on June 5 and June 21 and the third in the series is due on July 5th. Wow! The astrology…

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Becoming Your Higher Self

The Big Shift is upon us. As we are all quarantined in our homes, we are forced to look at and deal with the things about our selves and our lives and our society that we want to change. But to change this world seems so overwhelming, there’s so much that needs to change, where…

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Trust in the Divine Order of the Universe

Welcome to the New Earth, I have much to share with you. Although the world may seemed turned upside down, trust that everything is in Divine and perfect Order. Now is not the time to go into fear, but to surrender completely and trust in the Way of the Universe. I extend my deepest sympathy…

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Creating From Our Heart

This Christmas season is different, can you feel it? Take a deep breath right now and hold it for a moment before exhaling it all out slowly… Now take another deep breath and with the slow and long out breath, feel your body and your mind relaxing… Now take one more deep breath all the…

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All the Power of the Universe is Inside of You

I have heard the saying that the entire Universe lies within me, but not until recently did I get to experience directly what that actually means in terms of energy. On October 30th I had my second Light activation where the kundalini life force energy was activated and traveled through my entire body, piercing each…

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Real Change is Possible!

Just as every year passes and the seasons change, we change and grow. This is called evolution. Nothing remains the same, change is the one constant in our lives that we can count on. Loved ones close to us pass on and others pass through and new people enter. Life can be like a revolving…

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Claim Your God-given Power

Feeling safe has become a big issue for the people in this country. We are witnessing a lot of people with anxiety who are getting caught up in the fear cycle. Fear and anxiety have become a big problem with children (and adults) as we continue to be faced with mass shootings, racism, sexism, hackers,…

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