Becoming Your Authentic Self
I used to think I had to have it all figured out to be someone that other people would respect, admire and listen to. I used to be ashamed of my faults and flaws and I didn’t realize it at the time but I was so afraid that people would find out that I didn’t…
Read MoreBalance is Key
Balance is the key to good health and a happy life. Balance is something we don’t realize the importance of until it is lost. We all know what it feels like when we are out of balance. That’s why we must guard our health like a treasure! “The Yin and Yang symbol reminds us that…
Read MoreLove Yourself into the New You
We are all here at this time on earth to change our reality and create Heaven on Earth. But how do we get there from this mess that we are in? How do we move 8 billion people from a destructive cycle into a constructive cycle? I know from my own experience how this positive…
Read MoreThe Truth of Who you Are – A Sacred Soul!
Three years ago, when I had a kundalini rising experience, I crossed over the veil between worlds and communed directly with God. He spoke directly to me and the message was so powerful, I’ll never forget what He said. At the time, my self image was awful. I was judging myself for the poor choices…
Read MoreGrounding and Manifestation
The New Earth is upon us and the Divine feminine is leading the way. Each of us holds the Divine masculine and the Divine feminine within us, so this applies to everyone. In these changing times, we can make a choice to stop worrying, stop feeding the fear and drop into our beautiful, expansive heart.…
Read MoreHow to Love and Accept all of Our Self
It’s mid-summer in the northern hemisphere, a time when the fireflies are lighting up our summer nights, the hummingbirds are bringing joy into our life and the butterflies are reminding us to take things lightly. Yet, with all of this uplifting energy, many are experiencing great challenges in their lives. We are in a time…
Read MoreListening to our Heart’s Guidance
We are just coming through some super intense eclipse energy that is designed to bring us more into alignment on our path. Be aware of what is leaving your life, it may be an old way of looking at things, an old way of being, or actual people, jobs or situations that you have successfully…
Read MoreThe Process of Transforming into the New Self
We are in an amazing time on earth where we are witnessing the biggest shift that humanity has ever experienced. This shift is in consciousness, our awareness of the truth and what is needed to make the changes that will bring us into greater alignment with the truth. We are becoming a higher version of…
Read MoreHealing our Grief
Today, October 6, is the blessed new moon in Libra! October is a great month to find our balance again. Libra is the sign of the scales (for balance and harmony) that is ruled by Venus, the planet of love & abundance. If you feel like you’ve been stuck or jammed up lately, we have…
Read MoreCreating from Love
While the world continues to unravel, many of us are unraveling too. And by that I mean, we are changing from one form to another. Similar to a ball of yarn that is slowly unwound and knit into a sweater. The shift that is taking place is all about transformation, on an individual level as…
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